Thursday 17 January 2013



Old vs. New photograph by Andrea Streicher
This photograph shows the theme of old vs new in downtown Kingston, Ontario. The photograph was taken with a D200 dslr camera with a 17-80mm lens. This image was then edited with Adobe photoshop S3.


Publicity headshot of Airin Shannon by Andrea Streicher
This publicity head shot of Airin Shannon was taken with a Nikon D200, umbrella flash unit and a hair light. When using a flash unit I could then work to create different lighting effects on my models face, for example Rembrandt. I then used Adobe Photoshop CS3 and edited this picture. The only thing I changed in this picture was the colouring to turn it grayscale (black and white) I decided to leave the model exactly how she was. Over all I am very happy with the final result of this photograph. 

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