Friday 18 January 2013

Yearbook Projects

Photo by: Andrea Streicher
This photo was taken at Centuari Summer Arts camp. I attended this camp for a program that specifically specializes in photography. I learned many skills whilst attending this camp. This photo was taken with a Lumix point and shoot camera. I enjoy this photograph because of the texture as well as the effect. This photograph was not edited at all.

Photo by: Andrea Streicher
This photograph was taken in Sydney, Australia on a warm summer morning. I enjoy this photograph because it not only shows where exactly the photo was taken just by the Sydney Opera House but it is a different take to the classic shot. The sun coming up and reflecting on the water was the final touch that made this picture perfect to me. It was taken with a Nikon D200.

Photo by: Andrea Streicher
This photo was part of a photo set of head shots taken for my school, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School's yearly play, Secret Garden. I chose this photo out of the set for a couple reasons. You can see the hair light hit the top of head creating perfecting lighting. She also has perfect lighting her face and creating a rembrant lighting under her right eye. Finally her head tilt worked out to create the perfect angle to finish off an overall great photo. This was taken with a Nikon D7000.

Photo by: Andrea Streicher
This photo was taken of a live performance of my school's production of the Secret Garden. This not only fits the theme of theatrical photograph but also motion. As I took this shot I caught the main dancer in mid dance action and it worked out perfectly in the shot. I also like the lighting in this photograph. This was taken with a Nikon D200.

Photo by Andrea Streicher

Photo by: Andrea Streicher
I chose this picture because it shows depth of field. I made the camera lens focus on the flowers in the foreground therefore making the horse in the background out of focus and appear blurry. I really like how the photo turned out. This photo was taken with a D200.

Photo by: Andrea Streicher
This photo was taken near Brisbane, Australia. I chose this picture because I had control over the lighting in the photograph. The trees framed into the centre where the sun shone through the branches creating a flare. This was taken on a D200.

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