Monday 21 January 2013




Each year, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School grade 12 Communication Technology students create a Grade 9 Documentary video that is then sent out to the feeder schools. Those feeder schools students then get an idea about what high school is all about. These videos have various subjects of questions such as "To be successful".  My assigned job for this video was to do audio. As audio my job was to make sure when filming the video that the audio levels were right. Once we were done filming my job was to then figure out music that was appropriate for the video as well as checking all the audio. 


For this assignment in groups we were supposed to find a short television commercial and recreate it to the best of our abilities.  The commercial our group decided to do was a Jif commercial. I played the character of the mother in this video. Doing this video taught me many things for example how to lip sync in time to the original video and then overwrite it to make it look real.  Another example of something that showed to be difficult is finding the right location to match the video. To edit and finalize this video I used Final Cut Pro. Overall this was a fun assignment to do and I really enjoyed the challenge. 

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